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Life drawing

A little girl once asked her dad what he did for a living.

"I teach art," he told her.

"What does that mean?" she asked.

"I teach people how to draw."

She was horrified - or so the story goes.

"You mean they forget?"

You provide -

  • Friends

  • Fun

  • Innuendo


We will provide -

  • Chalk and charcoal

  • Sketchpads

  • Props

  • A nude model and an event leader (or an experienced model/event leader.)

  • And at no extra cost to you, in most cases, we can also provide a convenient venue for your party.

Do you remember when art was still fun?  You didn't have to be a great artist.  You just needed to be able to hold a paintbrush or a piece of charcoal and make a mess.


You might have forgotten how to draw, but you still remember how to have fun.  And the good news is - that's all you need to remember.


We will introduce the concept, then set up a series of fun drawing challenges to entertain and challenge you.

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